GOAT Long Sleeve Shirt


Big GOAT LST is the “OG” or “Original GOAT.” This shirt has a little Chuck the GOAT on the front and big logo on the back. This shirt is a staple to the GOAT USA collection. This iconic look is comfortable and classic.

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OG, Black, Extra Small, OG, Black, Small, OG, Black, Medium, OG, Black, Large, OG, Black, Extra Large, OG, Black, 2 Extra Large, OG, White, Small, OG, White, Medium, OG, White, Extra Large, OG, Navy, Extra Small, OG, Navy, Small, OG, Navy, Medium, OG, Navy, Extra Large, OG, Carolina Blue, Small, OG, Carolina Blue, Medium, OG, Carolina Blue, Large, OG, Carolina Blue, Extra Large